CALL US: 1-479-857-2214
Who Are We?
We are James & Sherry Johnson! We are located in Pottsville, Arkansas in a small subdivision that is perfect to breed and raise puppies. We have two female mini F1B bernedoodles, Jersey & Journey, that live with us. And our male miniature poodle, Kai, lives with our son & daugther-in- law in the neighboring town of Russellville, Arkansas. We believe in raising healthy pups and connecting them with their forever families. With each puppy, we find joy in dreaming of their perfect home, believing they will bring countless moments of joy and memories to their new families.
Beginning in 2003, we discovered our two chocolate labs, Mocha & Titus, were expecting puppies! Throughout that first litter and matching puppies to their homes, we discovered a new joy of raising puppies and sharing them with families looking for that missing piece. Mocha & Titus had four successful litters. In 2015 & 2016, our silver labs, Chief & Kabella, had two successful litters until having to stop due to family medical issues. We've really enjoyed the process of caring for our dogs and helping them breed healthy litters to share with others and now we are beginning our journey again!
How did we get to mini bernedoodles? In 2022, one of our sons who lives in Boston, brought down their mini bernedoodle for the summer to visit. Our family fell in love with this breed. Their personalities, health, beauty, and good nature won all of our hearts. Three weeks later, we got ourselves an F1 mini bernedoodle, Jersey! Then after 6 months of having Jersey, we decided to get her sister Journey, too! And thus began our dreams of raising and breeding these wonderful dogs.